Wednesday, May 12, 2010

New Forums for New Adventures (The Motherblog)

Not-so-faithful readers,

As some of you may know, I kept a Taiwan blog last summer. With the prospect of newer and (dare I say?) greater adventures looming, I thought that instead of sticking with the old one ("Ethan in Taipei" might throw people off if I ever start blogging about, say, a visit to Montréal), or creating blog after blog (an "Ethan in ___" series would be cute, but "Ethan in China" is already taken), I would instead create an umbrella blog to encompass my hopefully multitudinous adventures. This is it.

So far all I have are the old Taiwan posts (imported from "Ethan in Taipei"), but once I get to China (June 3 - that's three weeks from now!) I will be updating about my adventures in Shanghai, Shandong Province, Beijing, "The north and west" (specifics undecided), Beijing again, "the center and south" (same), and Taiwan.

The name for this blog, and the two lines in the photo up top, come from the poem Ulysses, by Alfred Lord Tennyson. It is the most beautiful poem ever penned and I encourage you to read it if you haven't yet.


1 comment:

  1. Excellent! Looking forward to this, especially as you will be in multiple locations at multiple programs. Should be interesting.
