Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Bad News: We Lost

And while I wasn't the only reason, I definitely played a big part: wasted a chunk of time during free debate, and crashed and burned at the end of my conclusion. "I tried really hard" sounds lame and our coaches just looked so disappointed as the debate was wrapping up... But it's done with, and I can't go back and fix it.

The good news:
1. It's over.
2. It's over.
3. When you think about it, second place out of 15 schools ain't half bad.
4. Plus, let's not forget, I learned a lot.
5. I now have this sweet little MP3 player/e-book reader (kind of like a Chinese wannabe Kindle or iPad) and accompanying freestanding speakers. If I buy an SD card it'll have space for a bunch of movies as well.
6. We're all going to see Harry Potter together next weekend.
7. France, Vietnam and Malaysia all sent ~vice-ambassadors. Fortunately nobody from the American Foreign Service came to watch the two of us fail; I would like to think that over at the American embassy they have more important things to do.
8. The president of the College of International Education told the three of us ACC students that if in the future we apply to Minzu's graduate program, we're guaranteed full scholarships. I did not mishear that.
9. It's over.

Now time for the home stretch - the final draft of the "independent report" we've (supposedly?) been working on all semester, and preparation of what's basically thesis defense of said report. Starting Wednesday afternoon, though, it should be smooth sailing; and ACC is even putting together some kind of Thanksgiving activity involving turkey, I hear!

And with that, adieu. Condolences to Yale for once again failing to win the Game; I suddenly feel a distinct spiritual connection with our football team. And there's this: next year it'll be on our turf, plus I'll be there... so I think we've got it in the bag.



  1. Congrats on second place... not bad at all! The most lasting outcome is, of course #4. And who knows? Maybe #8 will entice you somewhere down the line...

  2. Too bad, but an AMAZING experience nonetheless. You'll look back on this crazy process quite fondly one day, if you don't already.
